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Flat Roof Solar Panel Install in Bradford

Eve Renewables have installed a flat roof system in the Bradford area and would like to share ours and the customer experience.

The customer was originally contacted by Eve Renewables regarding their solar panel system on the 06/06/2024 and after a discussion with Courtney the customer proceeded to book in a no obligation site survey with 2 of team members on the 14/06/2024.

The Solar Panel Flat Roof Mounting System

On the day of the appointment Alex and Liam attended the property to do a site survey and discuss with the customer how solar could benefit them for years to come. This property posed a further challenge for our team as the property has a flat roof. Alex and Liam used their knowledge and expertise to guide the customer into what would best for them as this property had a particularly large roof, but our team felt it was unnecessary to fill the entire roof which would help keep costs down for the customer.

Flat roof solar installation bradford

This system had the following equipment installed:

22 x 440w Panels with flat roof racking

1 x 8.8Kw Sunysnk Inverter

2 x 5.12Kw Sunysnk Batteries

1 x Zappy Car Charger

1 x iBoost

We ended up installing the system on the 18/07/2024 the install was delayed on this job as we had to await DNO approval due to the size of the inverter involved. The G99 application took around 3 weeks to get approved but when it came through all clear it was a sigh of relief for both of us at Eve Renewables and the customer.

Sunysnk Battery and Inverter in Bradford

Below you will find drone footage of the installation:

Solar Panel Facts and Figures From The Flat Roof Installation

Below we have some figures of what the system has been generating and exporting for the customer over the last 5 days.

Meaning of bars:

Green Bar - The green bar shows the generation (how much electricity the panels are producing) of the flat roof solar panel Installation.

Red Bar - The red bar shows how much load (how much electricity the property needed that day) the property was under.

Yellow Bar - The yellow bar shows how much electricity was exported to the national grid for the customer to receive their SEG payments on.

Orange Bar - The orange bar shows how much electricity the customer had to buy from the national grid.

Flat roof solar panel installation in bradford

Flat roof solar panel installation in bradford area

Below you will see a snapshot of the Sunysnk App that shows the customer currently what they are generating, using and sending back to the national grid. As you can see below the system at the time was generating 5.708Kwh of energy, the battery was fully charged, and the customer was sending back 5.066Kwh of energy. The customer is with Octopus Energy for their energy provider which means they will get paid 15p for every Kwh Sent back to the national grid and in the picture below the customer would be sending roughly 5Kwh of energy back per hour so this means the customer would be getting paid 75p per hour while having the extra benefit of not buying any electricity from the grid at this point too.

Flat roof solar panel installation in bradford sunysnk app

Below you will see a quite complicated graph showing exactly what the property has been doing this can be accessed by you with your Sunsynk App. This shows that your system was doing every 20 minutes of the full day.

Sunsynk app breakdown of a flat roof solar panel installation



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